Photoshop Tutorial for Starters

 Photoshop Tutorial for Starters

Images, Drawings, Drawings, Illustrations, Designs, etc are needs to be scanned and transferred to a computer first for editing. Now digital camera images can be copied directly to a computer. After editing, these images can be used on printed invitation cards, posters, banners, advertisements, etc. on digital media.

There are many photo editing programs on the computer. Of these programs, Photoshop is popular all over the world. In this article I will discuss with you about Adobe Photoshop.

Editing a new file in Photoshop program

'New' from the 'File' menu after opening the Photoshop program, and find the 'New' dialog box. - You will be selected 'Untitled-1' in the square space 'Name' in the dialog box. By pressing the keyboard back button, clear typing and type a word. It will be the file name. Let's say 'Practice' is typed in the 'Name' box. If you type a word in this category, you do not need to type it continuously while closing the file, a new dialog box will appear when you close the file.

In the 'Width' and 'Height' boxes in the New Dialogue Box, type the numbers in the 'inch' measurement unit, for example, 7 inches wide and 8 inches high. There is a drop-down menu to determine the measurement measurement to the right of two boxes such as inches, pixels, piacas, points, cm, mm. Select the required unit from this drop-down menu. Adjust the measure in inches. Suppose the unit of measurement of the current function is an inch, and then 7 in the width box and 8 in the height box are typed.

The resolution, for example, the 72 Pixel, is kept unchanged.

Photos or images are made in Photoshop in pixels. Pixel is the smallest square unit of image. 72 pixels per inch means crossing 72 lines upwards and horizontally in the space of each inch. The total number of pixels per square inch will be 72'72 = 5184. The number of pixels per inch is called resolution.

If 130 is typed in the box of pixel, the resolution will be 130'130:M6900. If an image is enlarged, the pixels could be visible. This view is called pixelated. In simple words, it is called split image.

From the dropdown menu of color mode in the dialogue box, RGB, CMYK, Bitmap, Grayscale, and from Lab Color RGB can be selected as all the images on the monitors of computer, television, and other electronic media are viewed in ROB mode.

RGB is an abbreviation for red, blue and green.

There are three options in the 'Background Contents' of dialogue box. The options are White, Background and Transparent.

If 'White' is selected from the dropdown menu, the background will be white. If the color is selected in the back toolbox, it will turn the fabric color. If the option is obvious, the background will be calculated and checked. The background option can be selected as you like. White can be selected here. Without following the steps described above, Default Photoshop Size can be selected from the 'Preset dropdown list. Thus, all the units of Photoshop will be selected as per the requisition.

Completing the measurement of dialogue box, press 'OK'.

A window will be viewed as per the measurement given in the dialogue box. On the left of the screen, Practice @ 100% (RGB/8) will be viewed. This bar is called the title bar. If any name is not used in the Name box of the new dialogue box, Untitled-1® 100% (RGB/8) will be viewed on the title bar as file name.

The menu bar is located at the bottom of the title bar and the selection bar is at the bottom of the menu bar.

The ruler is located below the option bar.

The Photoshop work is to be done below the ruler on the screen.

The screen can be compared to the canvas of painting of an artist. To the left of the cloth, brush, color, and various types of editing tools remain, with the palette on the right.

Photoshop Toolbox and Palette Distinction:
At least 69 types of tools are available in Photoshop. Besides, there are many options, dialog boxes, etc. There is a relationship between the different tools and selection palettes and dialog boxes.
In addition, there is a brush or front color and a color control icon for the fabric or background, a space control monitor for the monitor view, a mask icon, etc. When the line is drawn with a pencil or toothbrush, the front color acts as a brush color.

Various palette is stored on the right side of the screen. The minimization icon is viewed above the right side of the palette. The palette will be minimized when you the minimize icon, and it will turn into a square or magnifier icon. It will also be extended when you the magnification icon.

dragging the top bar, the palette can be changed anywhere. There is a     toolbox on the left side of the screen Includes a variety of tools for different tasks. The tool, which is required for it to work, is active when . If the mouse pointer is taken inside the screen after selecting the box tool, the tool may be viewed in its original size or as a plus sign (+), and the editing tools are considered circles.

Selection of Tools and Acquaintance of Move
Tool selection and familiarity with 3 delivery tools and 1 delivery tools viewed above the toolbox. Below the right-hand side of some tools, a small arrow Z is displayed. It shows that in the same area, many tools of the same type reside there, for example, 4 Marquee tools in the same location and 3 Lasso tools in different positions.
Place the mouse pointer on the tool, and look for the name of the tool. the tool to use it. When the mouse pointer is brought inside the screen, it will be viewed as the shape of the selected tool or as a plus sign (+).

Making squares, circles and objects possible with the marquee tool within the selected tool.

Pressing the toggle button and dragging the rectangular Marquee tool, right square, and pressing the toggle and dragging button The Elliptical Marquee Tool, can be drawn in a complete circle. If you drag by pressing the Alt key, the square and circle selection will be extended from the center area.

Shifting of Selection
After you have made a selection square with the Rectangular Marquee Tool, remove your finger from the mouse, and the square selection will be displayed on the screen.

By pressing and dragging, the selection can be changed to another location.

Select the 'Deselect' command from the Select or mouse cursor cursor optional while floating, it will go away.

There are color icons for 'Foreground' and 'Background' at the bottom of the toolbox. The icon above is 'Front' and the icon below is 'Back'. To complete color selection while floating

Press Alt + backspace, then the selection will be filled with brush or Foreground color.

If you press Ctrl + backspace or backspace only, it will be filled with Background color or canvas.

Full color selection will float. It can be moved by dragging. The Item will remain in the same place after changing the selection.

If the transfer is done by pressing the Ctrl key, the object will be moved and cut.

Press Ctrl & Alt during transition, the object will be moved and copied.

Selection will end if you the mouse cursor and take it out of selection.

The Use of Feather
Typing the number from 0-250 in the box of feather on the option bar, the edge of the object can be softened. The room of the feather extends equally from the edge of the object to inside and outside. If 10 is typed in the feather box, the softness of the edge will be 20.

The feather effect will be activated by pressing enter button after writing different numerical figures in the box. Fill colour by using either rectangular marquee tool or elliptical marquee tool, and the effect of feather will be visible then. The effect will be still viewed after pasting cut or copied object.

Select lasso tool in the toolbox. Numerous selections can be made with lasso tool such as

dragging on the canvas after selecting lasso tool, selections of non-circular and uneven edge can be created. If you release the finger from the pressing position on the mouse while dragging, a closed selection will be created from that position to the first point.

inside the selection while floating, it can be shifted elsewhere by dragging.

Opacity is used to determine color intensity.

The 'Fill' dialog box will appear after giving the command 'Fill' under the 'Edit' Menu.

The front is kept selected in the 'Apply' content box under the 'Fill' dialog box. It can be changed from the drop-down list list if needed.

In the light square of the dialog box, type a number to determine the color intensity. The full firmness of the color is 100%. If the percentage is small (%), the color will glow. To type 50 in the Opacity box, the OK button, and the pre-selected area will be filled with 50% of the full size.

There is opacity in the selection palette to choose from as well.

Color intensity can be increased or decreased by choosing the brightness of this palette.

Graphics Design Tutorial: The Basics for Beginners
Limit selection can be made with the 'Stroke' command.

Select the 'Stroke' command under the 'Edit' menu as the option floats, and you will find a 'Stroke' dialog box. Any number from 1-16 can be typed in the 'Stroke Width Box'.

Border extensions are determined by this number. To create a border outside, inside or in the middle of the selection, activate any of these three options by the radio button attached to it.

 "Ok" button on the dialog box. The border can be created using the brush color or the previous one in the Stroke process.

File Save

Assign 'Save' command from the 'File' menu, and the 'Save As' dialog box will be viewed.

In the 'File Name' box of the 'Save As' dialog box, type the file name, for example, 'Practice'

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